Wraparound Childcare

After securing funding from the Local Authority, Enfield are able to offer two separate wraparound provisions to meet the needs of our children.

Enfield's Out of Hours Wraparound Childcare clubs are open throughout the school academic year during term times.

Wren Class

This provision is aimed at children in Nursery and Reception children only meaning that activities can be tailored specifically to children in this age group.

Opening times

Breakfast Club (including cereal, toast and a drink) 7.45-8.45am

After-school Club (including a healthy snack and a drink) 3.15-5.45pm

The Nest

Opening times

Breakfast Club (including cereal, toast and a drink) 7.45-8.45am

After-school Club (including a healthy snack and a drink) 3.15-6pm

Upcoming Events at The Nest

Gallery Slideshow- The Nest

For further enquiries, please contact the school office - 01472 321434

Wraparound Childcare

Updated: 20/12/2024 554 KB

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