Welcome to the Reception class at Enfield Academy.
In this class you will find a warm welcome from class teacher Mrs. A. Johnson and teaching assistant Mrs. J. Francis.
Together we provide a safe and stimulating environment for your child to grow and develop at their own pace. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and provide a range of activities for your child to get the most out of their learning with us.
Follow the link below to find out more information about the EYFS curriculum and how you can help your child.
If parents would like to find out more about the curriculum, please come in and talk to us.
At Enfield Academy we follow the Bug Club Phonics scheme of learning.
Phonics is taught daily as a whole class throughout Reception and Key Stage One. You can support your child's learning of phonics by accessing the following phonics Apps and by reading with your child at home.
In Robin class, we think it is important to have a 'love of reading!'. We have an area in and outside of the classroom which is inviting and comfortable for the children to choose high quality texts to enjoy and share.
We encourage reading at home and send two reading books home per week. This includes a phonics book which links to the sounds that we have covered in class and a reading band book.
Physical Education
P.E. is a prime area of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and to help your child achieve we will have a timetabled session in the hall, which over the course of the year will include balancing skills,dance, team games and ball skills. This session will be on Friday mornings and your child will be required to wear the P.E uniform as explained in your information booklet. Please ensure your child does not wear earrings on this day or provide tape to cover them. Long hair should be tied back. P.E. bags will be sent home every half term.
Busy Time
In early years a lot of our time is spent learning through play. We call it 'busy time'. 'Busy time' is our continuous provision.
The purpose of an effective continuous provision is to offer children a constant environment that is safe for them to explore whilst challenging their learning. It should allow children the freedom to explore and become independent in making choices. An important part of the EYFS is to support children in becoming active learners; continuous provision allows children to demonstrate this aspect and allows us as adults to closely observe and be a part of their play.
Water bottles
Your child is welcome to bring a named water bottle to school to use throughout the day. There is access to a water fountain outside and we encourage the children to keep themselves hydrated throughout the day.
We also have milk available (for those under 5) and fresh fruit for all of the children on a daily basis.
Outdoor Learning
In Robin Class we love being outdoors, whatever the weather! Please provide your child with a pair of named wellies to keep at school.
This term our topic is: Communication, we will be learning about each other as well as our wider school community. Children will be getting to know all about life at Enfield Academy!
Robin Class Autumn 1 2024
Robin Class Autumn 2
In Spring One we are focusing on 'Seasons and Weather'. This topic will allow the children opportunity to learn about their natural environment, changes that occur throughout the seasons and the effect of this on animals as well as humans.
Robin Class Spring 1
In Spring Two we are focusing on the topic 'On the Farm'. This topic will allow the children to explore the importance of farming in our local community. We will be exploring how our food gets on our table and the role of an animal and arable farm. We will also get the exciting opportunity to visit a local farm, feed the animals and go for a tractor ride!
Robin Class Spring 2