Welcome to Kestrel Class!

Your Year 5 Team

Mr Coulam (Class teacher)

Mrs Sargent (Teaching assistant)




On a Tuesday and Wednesday, we have our PE lessons. Tuesday’s PE will be delivered by CTO Coaching, and Mr Coulam will deliver PE on Wednesday’s. On these days we expect the children to come to school in their P.E kit, ensuring they are adhering to the school’s PE kit expectations.


Homework will mainly consist of Maths and Reading tasks. Homework will aim to secure their learning from a particular skill the children have been learning the previous week. When given, homework will be set and given to the children on a Friday. It is expected that the children hand their homework in on Thursday.


Reading is a continuously asked of task of all children in Year 4 and 5. Children in Kestrel class are expected to read at home every day for up to 20 minutes, either independently or with an adult. It is important that the children read a variety of material, such as fiction, non-fiction and poetry. If you discuss the book after your child has finished, this will help you to check his/her understanding of what has been read. We encourage this to be a whole family event to help boost the children’s confidence when reading. Please sign and date your child’s reading record and number each session, to ensure your child receives the appropriate certificate or reward. The children are then responsible for changing their books, as necessary, during break times and allocated library sessions.

In Kestrel Class, we promote a love of reading! Reading strategies are taught in Reading and English lessons in line with our VIPERS approach.

"So please, oh PLEASE, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away.

And in its place you can install, a lovely bookshelf on the wall."
- Roald Dahl


the children will be given a spelling grid at the start of each half term. This details the spellings that the children are expected to learn each week, as well as the spelling rule that is the focus. Spellings should be practised in accordance with their weekly spelling home learning guide, at the front of their home learning book. Spelling tests will be conducted every Friday morning; please ensure your child practises the spellings for the correct test date.

Free maths resources: 




The above websites give free access for children to access maths activities from their devices! Give them a try!




Autumn Term Overview

Throughout the autumn term, Kestrel class will learning about our own region and the South Aegean, Greece.

Our class book and English focus book is called Oliver and the Seawigs.

In maths, pupils will be studying number and place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and fractions.

In PE, pupils will be improving their skills in TAG rugby and tennis skills during Autumn Term 1.  Yoga and Indoor Athletics will be the focus in Autumn Term 2

In Autumn Term 1, the children will be studying Art and Languages, and in Autumn term 2, the children will be learning DT and music.


Autumn Term 1 MTP

Kestrel Class Autumn Term 1

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Autumn Term 2 MTP

Kestrel Class Autumn Term 2

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Spring Term Overview

Throughout the spring term, our main learning focus in Kestrel class will be all about the Mayan Civilisation in History.

Throughout Spring 1:

Within our science lessons, our Year 4s will be studying light, and our Year 5s will be studying properties and materials.

Our class book within our English focus is called ''The Tin Forest'' by Helen Ward.

In maths, pupils will be studying fractions and multiplication and division.

In PE, pupils will be improving their skills in gymnastics and fitness.

Our further learning will consistent of French and art.

Throughout Spring 2: 

Our learning in English will focus on the book ''The Lost Happy Endings'' by Carol Ann Duffy & Jane Ray.

In Maths, Year 4 children will learn all about decimals, length and perimeter, area, and statistics. Year 5 children will focus on fractions, decimals and percentages, and area and perimeter.

Within our science lessons, our Year 4s will be studying plants, and our Year 5s will be learning about the sun, the moon, and the Earth

In PE, pupils will be improving their skills in outdoor adventurous activity and dance.

Our further learning will consistent of music and design technology.


Spring Term 1

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Spring term 2

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Summer Term 1



Summer Term 2