Enfield is a school where we are always “Soaring to Success”. 

We are Ambitious, Resilient and Collaborative Learners.


Enfield’s curriculum is knowledge rich with personal development at the heart of all that we do.  Our rich and varied curriculum provides opportunities to develop the skills to be a successful citizen in the future.  There is an emphasis on high expectations and quality across the curriculum with our key drivers of Ambition, Resilience and Collaboration underpinning this. 

We teach through engaging Key Stage themes, where creative learning is linked through exciting and relevant contexts that meet the different interests and needs of all pupils.  We ensure that our children are developed into respectful and tolerant members of society, by developing an understanding of different beliefs and cultures; this is reflected in our spiritual, moral, social and cultural curriculum.

We have designed, an engaging and ambitious curriculum that is the driver that ensures parental involvement and development of the whole child through cultivating their curious minds to ensure they have a love of learning. This begins in the Early Years and continues through to Year 6.  Our expectations are high and by ensuring children become independent learners, they are able to achieve their full academic potential. The focus on cultural capital throughout our broad curriculum raises aspirations for life-long learning within our hometown and beyond.

Regardless of need, our curriculum gives all pupils the opportunity to learn within a coherent and progressive framework and explore a rich and deep subject specific knowledge that encompasses the National Curriculum. Every pupil understands the purpose and value of their learning and can make connections between their past, present and future learning



Whilst our curriculum is delivered through a themed approach, most subjects are taught separately as they don’t naturally ‘fit’ into the theme e.g. science, music, computing, languages, RE and PSHE/SRE, although links are made across the curriculum where appropriate. Art and DT are taught as one project each per term. 


At Enfield Academy, we follow a cyclic ‘theme-based’ approach to our curriculum in the Infants and a 4 year cyclic approach in the Juniors.  This means, where possible, our subjects are linked to the theme including 'Literacy Shed Plus' texts and ‘Grammarsaurus’ in English.  The theme areas are based predominantly on history and geography.  Through these themes, opportunities are built in for children to apply other key skills in English, mathematics, science and computing through a cross-curricular approach.





Children leaving Enfield will have a clear sense of their own uniqueness that enables them to be confident, independent learners with a high level of self-esteem. They will be happy, well-balanced and socially adaptable. They will be highly motivated with all the tools they need for the next steps in their learning journey.

The impact of our curriculum and learning is constantly tracked and assessed.  We regularly adapt our plans through assessment for learning as necessary to meet the needs of the children at Enfield.

Curriculum areas are monitored by 4 teams: Key Skills, Physical Health and Well-being, Knowledge and Understanding of the World and the Creative Team.

If parents would like to find out more about the curriculum, you are welcome to talk to your child's class teacher. Alternatively, each class's half-termly curriculum plan can be found on this web-site on the drop-down menu of the 'Curriculum' tab via the 'Classes' tab.


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‘Helping young people become better learners’

Building Learning Power Information

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